Sunday, August 16, 2020

Mullets for Mental Health

Australia also has considered growing a mullet charity work!  Story also shows old school, quintessential mullets from famous actors and athletes. 

Original story here

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Texas Mullet Winner at Sturgis Rally

 Roger Robinson from Texas wins best mullet during the Sturgis Rally

So the yearly motorcyclist Sturgis Rally is still happening, even amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Read about the winner of the mullet contest here!

Friday, August 14, 2020

Aeropuerto de Costa Rica

A rare ass two mullets in one shot.  Two birds with one stone.  Two monkeys with one banana.  OK, now I'm just fucking around.

Their hair wasn't long enough to get the typical Central American/Caribbean corn rows, so they settled for the next best thing.

Notice how I used 'their' in that sentence?  They're going over there to their party.  If that one makes your head spin, how did you find this blog on the interwebs?!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Mullets are Still a Big Deal in Australia

Rugby player with a team dubbed, Magpies, kicks a goal and let's the mullet fly!